I’ve Never Firewalked – Can I Train As An Instructor?
Whenever someone is thinking of coming to train with me as a Firewalk Instructor I like to have a quick chat with them on the phone – a chance to connect, ask questions, and see if we’re a good fit together. One of the concerns I hear often is that they’ve never Firewalked before – can they train as an Instructor.
You CAN Train As A Firewalk Instructor If You’ve Never Firewalked
In fact it’s lovely to see someone answering the call of the fire in this way.
Fire is probably the most talked about element when it comes to transformation, and yet it’s still the least worked with in any meaningful way. If the fire is whispering to you, then stepping up and literally taking a mighty first step into relationship with this powerful and potent element is truly a wonderful thing.
It’s often beautiful to see someone forming such strong foundations with the fire as they move through the dynamics of learning through experience, and from the fire.
BUT, There’s A But…
When it comes to Firewalking there is a lot to learn. From building the fire in a certain way, lighting it, tenderly tending it, preparing it to be walked, and of course, preparing your participants – once you’ve learned all this you also need to grow your confidence within the skills to get ready and go out and lead others across the hot coal.
Wild Soul Firewalk Instructor Training is designed to lead you through this process with ease, whether you’ve firewalked many many times, or this is your first taste of walking the hot coals. We include
- 5 nights live training where we firewalk every day – giving you the experience you need to build your skillset, confidence and experience
- Capped numbers – no more than 10 Instructor students to ensure you get the 1-to-1 attention, feedback, and mentoring you require with all aspects of working with the fire
- Online component – this isn’t EXTRA online learning, but it is somewhere you can refer back to everything you learned at your live training, as well as find templates for legal documents, stockists for equipment, and more
- Online mentoring through your first Firewalk – you’ll have me in your corner 100% as your prepare for your first firewalk
- International Accreditation – our training is accredited by the IPHM, giving you confidence in our exceptional standards, as well as access to cheaper insurance and automatic membership access with them
You’d Be In Good Firewalking Company
I took part in my first Firewalk on my first night of Firewalk Instructor Training.
Sadly, my training wan’t as good as what I now offer, it was shorted, with many more people, and offered no after training support – I ended up going out and supporting others with their Firewalks to learn more before I had the confidence to lead my own walks.
That said, it did ignite a passion for Firewalking within me, and open up the doorway to my deep relationship with the fire 🔥 I went on to train a a Master Firewalk Instructor, and now Grand Master Firewalker – training other instructors to step into the role of training firewalk instructors too.
Does the idea of holding your own Firewalks appeal to you? Take our quick ‘SHOULD YOU HOLD YOUR OWN FIREWALKS?’ quiz to see if becoming a Wild Soul Firewalk Facilitator could be a good fit for you.
Unpacking the re-membering of land, lineage and the fire inside, Lottie is the founder at the Wild Soul Tribe.
Lottie believes in walking the path less travels, which has taken her from living in Burkina Faso, to trekking some of the biggest mountains in the world.
Now growing within her Irish heritage, Lottie supports others to experience a little adventure AND inner peace. Find out a little more of what she gets up to, alongside firewalking, over at the Wild Soul Tribe site.