Wild Soul firewalk

The Home of Heart Led Firewalk Training & Events

Train with us

 the ancient art of firewalking

creates an incredibly powerful metaphor that has the ability to be deeply impactful for all those involved.

Supporting deep connection with the earth and elements as you step fully into your wild soul calling, and dance the dance of the fire


find a firewalk facilitator near you

Take part in a Firewalk

Host your own Firewalk

Firewalk the Wild Soul Way


instructor trainings

Step up and start changing lives, starting with your own

Firewalk Instructor Certification

Sweat Lodge Keeper Training

Breakthrough Empowerment Coach Training

fire initiations & training

Ceremonial Fire Immersion

Answering the call of Heart & Hearth

Firewalk Mentoring for Instructors certified elsewhere

 wild soul firewalk is brought to you by lottie moore

With Firewalk experience that spans the continents, I’ve worked alongside over 9 other Master Firewalk Instructors.  Learning, expanding, & personally developing the best Firewalk Instructor Training programs for those with a Wild Soul yearning for more.


i have river in my hair, and moss between my toes, and sunshine on my fingertips, and they have all claimed me…

– J. Ahl

On The Blog

Why train with wild soul firewalk?…

Genuinely one of the best courses

Genuinely one of the best courses I’ve attended in years and all down to the professionalism and personalities of you both

Kat Beaver

British Army

I Came Away Feeling Like A Warrior Queen
If you are looking for transformational self discovery and empowerment, then Lottie is your woman!

Esther Nagle

Balance and Breathe

Lottie changed my life
I did the impossible.  Broke barriers, reframed, let go…

How many people do you know that can make that happen?  Lottie can.

Martin Seville

Empathy Coaching

Lottie offers exceptional training 

which allows you to step out of your comfort zone and realise your power and potential. You are in very safe hands.

Jo Baldwin-Trott

Jo Baldwin-Trott - Image Branding Consultant

Now More Than Ever

is the time for you to discover, and fully experience, your Wild Soul inside

  • Reconnection 99% 99%
  • Personal Power 99% 99%
  • Heartfilled Joy 99% 99%
  • Ritual & Ceremony 99% 99%
  • New Skills 99% 99%
  • Likeminded Tribe 99% 99%

get in touch

We love to connect with people, so to find out more about what we have coming up you can join the conversation over on social media, or pop through a message to get in touch directly here.

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